Category Archives: cooking

Old People Diner Serves Delicious Sling

Down the hotel street in Poway CA, we went to a diner in the middle of afternoon in which we six (not counting the waitress) were the youngest people by at least 40 years.  And yet, great hip hippy southern … Continue reading

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Breakfast and TMI in Des Moines

Oh I do not remember the name of this restaurant.  It was just down the street from the sculpture garden in central Des Moines.  White table clothes, a sort of Euro-name.  I place I might pause on my scrubbier days … Continue reading

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Cali Hears Jersey

“We went to dinner at a place called Chino Latino.” “What kind of food was that?” “It was Asian Latino fusion.” “Was it Peruvian?  Peruvian food has a lot of Japanese influence.” ….no it doesn’t.  But instead I’ll just change … Continue reading

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Paducah Sandwiches

Wouldn’t you want to buy a sandwich from this guy?  Paducah, Kentucky.  A way under rated place.

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Omelet, Potatoes, Asparagus

Boil and lightly salt and butter potatoes.  Steam asparagus.  Make omelet with tomatoes, cheddar, and a little salt and milk in the batter.  Beautiful food can be this easy.

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Kufda–That’s How I Spell it, it’s Phonetic

Kufta with pilaf, salad, and what looks like left over quiche.  And some olives!  Man, I know how to make a plate. This is the recipe I sent to Andrew’s co-worker, who demanded to know how to make “those vegetarian … Continue reading

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First World Cooking Brings It to You in a Jar and a Sack

MMM, I love Indian, such a forgiving throw it all in way to cook.  Made both the chicken and tofu/paneer dishes with great help from canned sauce.  Janfriees Curry by one of the local grocery store-stocked manufacturers.  Sautéed the chicken … Continue reading

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Does This Mean I’m Famous Now?

I’ve gotten spam-pinged by three Thai restaurant coupon bots, based on the highly technical correlation with my love letter to Thai Recipes. I don’t know how I feel about this.  The internet it out there, and it wants to present … Continue reading

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Vegetable tart on olive oil pastry – FAIL

This turned out dry, sandy, totally not something you wanted to eat.  As heart healthy as it was with the granola-grunchy ingredients, it lacked the fat that brings the mouth feel and flavor that the topping deserved.  I’ll put the … Continue reading

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Thanks New York Times!

I love the Time’s Dining section.  It talks about the food business, it talks about food, it talks to food people, it’s smart, it’s weekly, and some times they give me a big recipe present, like this “DIY” guide to … Continue reading

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